Over 30? Your Muscle’s are Deteriorating
From the ages of 30 to 40 onwards, your body begins to involuntarily lose muscle mass and strength - this is known as Sarcopenia. The average person loses about 1 - 2% of muscle mass per year after the age of 50. This rate accelerates further after the age of 75. By the age of 80, some people have lost 50% of their muscle mass and no longer have the strength to support their body - hence being at higher risk of falls, aches and reduced mobility.
Negative Impacts of Sarcopenia
- Decreased physical strength and endurance
- Reduced mobility and independence
- Increased risk of falls and fractures
- Decreased metabolic rate (makes it more difficult to maintain a healthy weight and can contribute to the development of obesity and other health problems)
- Contributes to the development of other age-related conditions such as osteoporosis (bone loss & weakness) and type 2 diabetes
How To Prevent Sarcopenia
- Resistance training: Engage in regular resistance training (gym) to build and maintain muscle mass.
- Adequate protein intake: Ensure that you are consuming enough protein to support muscle growth and repair if you’re working out. (Aim for 0.8g - 1g of protein per lbs of bodyweight)
- Balanced diet: Eat a balanced diet that provides all necessary nutrients for muscle health.
- Vitamin D: Make sure you are getting enough vitamin D, which is important for bone and muscle health.
- Avoid sedentary lifestyle: Stay active throughout the day to prevent muscle loss due to inactivity.
By following these tips, you can help prevent and even reverse muscle loss associated with sarcopenia.
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